18 Stanzas Sung to a Tatar Reed Whistle
Conceived and constructed: Hanne Tierney
Music composed and performed: Jane Wang
Video art: Hannah Wasileski
Light design: Trevor Brown
Voice: Rachel Lu
Direction: Phil Soltanoff
Manipulation: Hanne Tierney and Brooke Van Hensbergen
Video by Alan Capriles and Uta Seibicke
Baby, said Alice B. Toklas. . .
A 15 minute experiment in self-performing theater.
Conceived and constructed by Hanne Tierney Engineering design by Oskar Strautmanis
April 15 - May 28, 2016 at the Knockdown Center, Maspeth, NY
Strange Tales of Liazhai
Conceived, constructed and adapted: Hanne Tierney
Manipulation: Shawn Lane, Jamey McGilray, Hanne Tierney
Music composed and performed: Jane Wang
Projection design: Hannah Wasileski
Light design: Trevor Brown
Sound mix: Phil Soltanoff
Performed at HERE Arts Center, NYC, in September 2012.
My Life In A Nutshell
Text, construction and manipulation: Hanne Tierney
Music composed and performed: Jane Wang
Overhead projection design: Hannah Wasileski
Manipulators: Shawn Lane and Jamie Davis
Performed at HERE Arts Center in October 2009.
Leibniz’ Folly
Music composed and performed: Jane Wang
Narration and performance: Grant Smith
Light design: Trevor Brown
Manipulation: Shawn Lane
Concept, text, construction and manipulation: Hanne Tierney
First performed at FiveMyles, Brooklyn, NY, 2007
Man, The Flower of All Flesh
Concept, text, construction: Hanne Tierney
Artist: Matt Freedman
Music composed and performed: Jane Wang
Light Design: Trevor Brown
Additional Music: Grant Smith
Video: Stefanie Fischer
Knitter: Jamie Mumford
Manipulator: Shawn Lane
First performed at FiveMyles, Brooklyn, NY, 2005
How Wang-Fo Was Saved
Concept, text, construction: Hanne Tierney
Music composed and performed: Jane Wang
Light Design: Trevor Brown
Narration: Andrew Pang
Video: Stefanie Fischer
Manipulation: Mia Wiesenthal
First performed at FiveMyles, Brooklyn, NY, 2001